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The Automotive market fell throughout the world.

September 05, 2010

The Results of the car sales come to fall, and show a decrease of sales. Indeed, the US automotive market recorded a fall of 21% for the month of August to 11.47 million cars produced. These bad results are due to the end of the government subsidies for scrappage old cars.

The biggest fall is Nissan Motors with 27% decrease, followed by General Motors, 25%, Subaru (23% for the U.S. Market), Hundai Motor/Kia Motor (15%, for U.S. Market too) and Ford Motors with 11%. Only Chrysler Motors increased car sales by 7% thanks to their rental car firms affiliated.

In Europe, this is not better. Indeed, for the main european markets, the fall is close to 20% with Germany in first (27%), Spain 23.8%, Italia 19% and France 9.8% . The reason of this fact is the same than U.S. market, consumers flocked to take advantage of the bonus before the end of the cash for clunkers.

Figures show that the worldwide automotive market was on a drip during year and half / two years, nevertheless, the manufacturers are not alarmist for all that concerning the future.


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